Thursday, August 23, 2012


 Google+ is a multilingual social networking and identity service owned and operated 
by Google Inc ., launched on June 28th, 2011 with integrations across a number of Google products, including Buzz and Profiles.
It has a total of 250 million registered users of whom 150 million are active.

One key element of Google+ is a focus on targeted sharing within subsets of your 
social group, which are the Google Circles.
Circles are simply small groups of people that you can share to,each with names like 
friends, family, classmates and VIPs. 

Organization is done through a DRAG and DROP interface.
 This system replaces the typical friends list function used by 
sites such as Facebook.
The default "Circles" are Friends, Family, Acquaintances, and Following. These circles names can be changed, and the "Following" circle is always at the top of the "Add to circle" list when on a Google+ Page.
The "Following" Circle is described as "People you don't know personally, but whose posts you find interesting.

It is easy to see why many entrepreneurs and marketers are jumping into the Google Plus wagon, because a site that grows that fast must have an awesome potential under all that buzz.

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