Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Who do you think gave the best performance at the second debate?

Romney: "I care about 100 percent of the American people. I want 100 percent of the American people to have a bright and prosperous future."

Romney: "I'm someone who ran businesses for 25 years and balanced the budget."

Romney:"Every woman in America should have access to contraception" At least that's a step forward.

Romney: Mr.president let me give you some advice.

Romney : "The middle class has been crushed over the last four years.

Romney: I want to make America the most Attractive place in the world

Romney:"Government does not create jobs." "If elected I will create 12,000,000 jobs." 

Michelle:Tonight Barack showed,as he has every day as president,that he’ll fight to ensure everyone has a fair shot at the American Dream.

Obama on his 2 daughters: "I want to make sure that they have the same opportunities that anyone's sons have."

Obama: Very little of what Governor Romney says is true.

ObamaRomney is the last person to crackdown on China.

Obama: I will take responsibility for the Benghazi attack that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

 Obama: "We are on pace to double our exports. That's creating tens of thousands of jobs all across the country."

Obama: "We have made sure that millions of young people are able to get an education when they weren't able to before."

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A happy visitor impressed with your website can quickly turn into a happy customer

The main Social Media platform for your business is your website. i see that IT MAY DELIVER MORE POTENTIAL VALUE THAN having A STORE OR A BOOTH IN A TRADE SHOW  because Your company's online presence begins and ends with your website .

And the main reason to start with a website that You make yourself available to people in other time zones and even across the globe rather than the limited market audience you can reach in your local area.

Webshoutz creates a WebDesign That Sells not just to create great websites, but websites that actually put more money in your pocket. 

We make sure that we understand your business and your business goals before we create (or recreate) your website. Only then you will get a successful website  that attains your goals and that can grow with your business.

Your website will be visually stunning, but also optimized to help ensure that your visitors know exactly where to find your solutions and how to take the next step with you. A happy visitor impressed with your website can quickly turn into a happy customer.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nissan NSC-2015 self-driving car with LTE and smartphone connectivity.

NCC-1701 is the machine that took the world's imaginations to strange new worlds in the '60s. If Nissan has its way, NSC-2015 will be the machine that keeps us out of strange new parking lots. It's a concept car from Nissan, part of the CEATEC 2012 Smart Mobility Zero exhibit that has half the show floor covered by crazy electric-powered cars of all shapes and sizes. Nissan's Leaf is one of the more conventional looking ones, but the technology that lets it drive itself down the road is far from standard.

Using a series of sensors, cameras and servos the car is able to turn the steering wheel plus activate the throttle and the shifter to navigate across this stretch of road, relying on the road markings painted on the floor to both keep it driving in a straight line and to have it stop, respectfully, at the crosswalk.
The idea is the car could drive itself down the street, find a parking spot and tuck itself in there -- and then return to you at the touch of a button. Not quite KITT-style but it could at least put some valets out of work. However, due to current legalities that's not entirely possible, as someone must be sitting behind the wheel. But, in a private parking lot it could at least navigate the aisles without you onboard.

iPhone 5 has a purple flare

Apple has responded to complaints that some photos taken with the iPhone 5 show a purple flare, saying it happens to many smartphones when they're aimed near a light source like the sun

"Most small cameras, including those in every generation of iPhone, may exhibit some form of flare at the edge of the frame when capturing an image with out-of-scene light sources," the company wrote in the support section of its website. "This can happen when a light source is positioned at an angle (usually just outside the field of view) so that it causes a reflection off the surfaces inside the camera module and onto the camera sensor.

Apple suggested keeping bright light from shining into photos taken with the phone.

Not surprisingly, some users weren't satisfied with the response.

"You gotta be kidding me apple. You must be. Now I have to protect the camera with my hand when I want to take a picture?" one user wrote in a thread on Apple's user forums.

Monday, October 8, 2012

MJ had been the most popular celeb since his death in 2009

Rihanna has knocked Eminem off the top spot as most-liked celeb on Facebook.At press time, the Barbadian singer has 61,564,736 fans, while the rapper stands at 61,217,673, according to Starcount, a data aggregator that measures social-media popularity. Slim Shady reigned as king of the social network since surpassing Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson last February. MJ had previously been the most popular celeb since his death in 2009.

Michael Jackson has been named the highest-earning dead celebrity of the past year.
The late Thriller hitmaker - who died in June 2009 aged 50 - has topped Forbes' annual list of the Top Earning Dead Celebrities for the second consecutive year after his estate brought in $170 million between October 2010 and October 2011 from sales of his music and his stake in the Sony/ATV catalog.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Would it surprise you to know that a full 70% of 
customers now say they look at product reviews 
before making a purchase?
Due to to a fact Google had announced 2012 20% of searches done on Google are keywords used first time, the nature of the internet always change,search engine algorithms and indexing priority, there are many sites so similar to your business locally or internationally based on geographical locations. Research shows that companies that benefit of online advertising benefit most blogging and being social the percentage indicated percentage of frequent and consistent posts give higher conversion rates immediately  . off-course this is an activity that needs attention,time,effort and dedication 

Our team won projects by:

  • Improving your website effectiveness.
  • Improving your search engine rankings.
  • Help decide Where you should spend your online advertising dollars.
  • The easiest ways to engage in social media and search engine marketing.
"show up at the right moment infront of the right person with the right message "

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

 Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States of America. Mitt Romney, is a former Governor of Massachusetts and is the presumptive Republican nominee for President in 2012

According to a new report from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, the Obama campaign is a more prolific poster of content -- posting four times as much content as the Romney campaign -- and is active on nearly twice as many platforms.

Romney has to compete against someone who integrated internet campaigning into his campaign from the beginning in 2008. Barack Obama has internet experience on his side.Romney needs to be worried about progress and not the overall numbers,He needs to gain ground by Tweeting more information about his campaign and about his policies, which will increase how often he reaches the people he influences.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Watch this Great video

Social Media became an equal player in the world of news-gathering.

James Surowiecki pinpoints the moment when social media became an equal player in the world of news-gathering: the 2005 tsunami, when YouTube video, blogs, IMs and txts carried the news -- and preserved moving personal stories from the tragedy.
FIRST 10 LIKES ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE http://on.fb.me/U9uj67  GET 20% DISCOUNT ON ANY OF OUR SERVICES http://bit.ly/S5QE2q 


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nike is the world’s largest sports company

         Nike is the world’s largest sports company, 30% bigger than nearest rivals Adidas

   (Nike has quietly engineered a revolution in marketing.)

Nike managed to outperform official Olympic sponsor Adidas on social media during the Games, generating more tweets and pulling in more new Facebook fans.

  • Spend on TV and print is down by 40%.
  • It’s total marketing budget hit a record $2.4 billion last year.
  • Nike has decided to target 17-year-old’s who spend 20% more on shoes than their adult counterparts.
  • Nike have stopped creating crap and now design cool stuff.

Monday, September 10, 2012


 WEBSHOUTZ offers a variety of online marketing services that take a holistic approach to increasing online exposure, improving customer acquisition, and helping businesses increase revenue and profits.


·  Web Design
Web Design That Sells has been created not just to create great websites, but websites that actually put more money in your pocket/ Starting 400$ complete 5 pages website  start your web branding.

·  Social Media profiles: 

 Choose from thousands of networks each specialized network will be customized to targeted industry/Packages start as low as 25 $/ month


·  SEO Services


·  PPC Service
 we understand ppc management services better than anyone else

·  local listing
 Putting Local Businesses on the Map

 Starting from scratch or looking to renovate Let webshoutz be your help

·  Link Building

 We help you make the right decisions with a wide range of optimized link building services designed to grab attention for your website

McDonald’s OVER Burger King

The Numbers overwhelmingly favor McDonald’s over Burger King in terms of sales and Number of locations both in the United States and around the world.


  • Burger King has seen 105% fan growth on Facebook since January, and claims the top spot for conversation percentage, at four percent. 
  • McDonald’s has seen 118% follower growth on Twitter since January.
  • McDonald’s replies to follower tweets faster than any other chain—in only 29 minutes. Burger King takes over two days to reply.


I thought I would dig up some stats online and see which company does better connecting with their customers using social media.




Coca-Cola:  50,541,095 likes · 942,149 talking about this
Pepsi8,957,463 likes · 117,250 talking about this
@CocaCola 61,979 Tweets 67,859 Following 605,802 Followers
@Pepsi 17,838 Tweets 44,644 Following 1,043,619Followers
Coca-Cola: 520,915 +1s
Pepsi: 516,259 +1s

Pizza Hut and Domino’s Pizza

Pizza Hut launched a mobile optimised version of its UK website this week, making it easier for customers to place an order for delivery or collection on their smartphone.


It’s a useful upgrade to the site but the brand is still miles behind competitor Domino’s Pizza, which currently achieves 13% of all digital sales through mobile devices.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

SMALL BRANDS can make BIG NAMES for themselves.

BIG BRANDS can be outsmarted without making huge investments, and SMALL BRANDS can make BIG NAMES for themselves.


More and more small businesses are recognizing the marketing power of social media and joining such sites as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Indeed, Facebook alone is anticipated to reach one billion users by the end of 2012. Even those who have been most resistant to joining the revolution are unable to ignore the ability of social media to attract customers via the viral nature of social networking.


What big brands do the best job with social media? 

DELL has tapped the power of social media with its IDEASTORM website ,where users add ideas fir new product lines and enhancements,vote them up or down and provide them with some comments. because of this site ,DELL has started to ship omputers with linux installed and has added a community support.

STARBUCKS also started to use the same model with its MY STARBUCKS IDEA SITE.

IBM has more than 100 different blogs and several official TWITTER accounts.


Sunday, September 2, 2012


There are two major search engine marketing strategies in use today: SEO and PPC (pay-per-click). These two methods are very different, and deciding which one is right for you can be hard. 

The immediate feedback provided by pay-per-click can tell an internet marketer a lot about the effectiveness of their landing pages and chosen keyphrases, while search engine optimization can be used as a low cost way to continue driving website traffic for the long-term.

Deciding Which one  will do more for your website depends on what your website’s like

Promoting your website on Top Search Engines.

 When a user types in a keyword or search phrase into a search enginequery box, they will receive a listing of website's that offer information, products and services related to that keyword. Search engines strive to list the most qualified and optimized website's at the top of their list.

SEO is the practice of modifying visible and invisible website content in addition to establishing links from other relevant website's to gain a higher prominence on the internet.



Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Often times the first web site design was completed before the social media revolution and does not incorporate all of the features of today’s web sites designed to engage and entertain the users..but NOW webshoutz www.webshoutz.com could re-design your website.

We make sure that we understand your business and your business goals

 before we create (or recreate) your website. Only then you will get a

successful website that easily keeps up with the growth of your business.

Friday, August 24, 2012


We Will Bring The Audience

If you own a color in your industry, this color will symbolize your product. This can act as a great identifier.

Color is a critical element in the development of a brand identity. Especially at a time when communication is becoming more visual, Every color has a different feel and various associations. By choosing a color or a combination of colors for your brand identity, you will take on those associations. Colors will evoke certain emotions and feelings towards your brand so it is vital to choose a color that will represent your identity effectively.

It is important in deciding on a color palette for your brand,  as it is important to consider its characteristics, values, aspirations and target audience .you have to decide on the most appropriate colour palette to communicate the desired personality most powerfully. 

Check Out Your Competitors

When you launch a product through social media, it grabs attention immediately. Unlike a TV or newspaper ad, a product image targets only those people who are interested in your business.

so you have to take advantage of the social media marketing and check out your competitors and competition, YOU can follow your competitors on FACEBOOK,TWITTER ,
GOOGLE PLUS and LINKED IN  to see how they are luring their target consumers, and follow a better strategy to increase your own fan base.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


 Google+ is a multilingual social networking and identity service owned and operated 
by Google Inc ., launched on June 28th, 2011 with integrations across a number of Google products, including Buzz and Profiles.
It has a total of 250 million registered users of whom 150 million are active.

One key element of Google+ is a focus on targeted sharing within subsets of your 
social group, which are the Google Circles.
Circles are simply small groups of people that you can share to,each with names like 
friends, family, classmates and VIPs. 

Organization is done through a DRAG and DROP interface.
 This system replaces the typical friends list function used by 
sites such as Facebook.
The default "Circles" are Friends, Family, Acquaintances, and Following. These circles names can be changed, and the "Following" circle is always at the top of the "Add to circle" list when on a Google+ Page.
The "Following" Circle is described as "People you don't know personally, but whose posts you find interesting.

It is easy to see why many entrepreneurs and marketers are jumping into the Google Plus wagon, because a site that grows that fast must have an awesome potential under all that buzz.

You are what you TWEET...

Currently, Twitter could be the third most popular social networking tool,it has become the quickest growing application calculated with the amount of users.

Through Twitter, you communicate your message by using multiple devices to send short messages of 140 characters or less to others.

Every Tweet you post should provide valuable information for your followers. Whether it’s important industry news, a new company product or service you’re launching.
Also keep in mind that the content of your Tweets should be something shareable, something your users will want to pass on to their friends. In the Twitter world, the more re-Tweets you get, the more people who see your company name and logo.

Retweeting is an integral part of the Twitter experience. The retweet (or “RT”) allows 

Twitter users to share the best links, tweets, and gems they find from others using the


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

“Today people don’t trust companies. One of the things marketers want to do is to humanize their brand. What better way to do it than put a live person in front of them.”
Jackie Huba


People are already talking about different brands like yours more than ever before and thanks for social media ,a word can spread faster than ever before so you have to listen,respond and harness that word to allow customers to drive action.

There’s a conversation buzzing around your brand — whether you recognize it or not. We trend,we track, we listen to what’s being said and find the best way for your brand to engage the conversation. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Is your Business on Twitter?

Social media is increasingly becoming the most trusted way of communication and socialization so take advantage of Twitter’s growth and create your own Business account with webshoutz.

One of the most reliable social media platforms is Twitter, For the last few year Twitter has grown exponentially curving a notable niche for itself...and the most important thing is to have an account with your business name instead of tweeting in your name .

 The good news is that Twitter has now simplified its services and come up with a simple guide that will make you understand its use.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Keeping track of them all is starting to become a major headache.
But webshoutz Create metrics to measure your goals.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The more people visit your site, the more money you’ll make.

Web traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site. Since the mid-1990s, web traffic has been the largest portion of Internet traffic. This is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit.

Believe it or not, driving targeted web traffic to your site is what makes your online business successful. It doesn’t matter, how great or expensive your website looks. If no one is visiting your site, then you’re most likely not going to make any money online.


We Increase the Power and Performance of Your Brand

 Investing in your brand online is not just about spending money, it’s about building a relationship with your customers and keep them coming back again and again,its about planning, evaluating, and refining media and message strategies to strengthen brand communications campaign performance.

 webshoutz ..research your audience,balance your online brand through different channels, plan your social media strategy and build up your reputation.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Web Design That Sells

Web Design That Sells has been created not just to create great websites, but websites that actually put more money in your pocket. 
We make sure that we understand your business and your business goals before we create (or recreate) your website. Only then you will get a successful website that easily keeps up with the growth of your business.
Your website will be visually stunning, but also optimized to help ensure that your visitors know exactly where to find your solutions and how to take the next step with you. A happy visitor impressed with your website can quickly turn into a happy customer.

Starting 400$ complete 5 pages website NOW start your   web branding.